Mission Statement
We, the community of Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Bluefield, WV are a family of Christians in the Church of Wheeling-Charleston. Our values spring from the gospel, therefore we strive to bring about the kingdom of God on earth. We worship and evangelize to lead all people in our journey toward holiness. We strengthen our relationship with Jesus and one another to meet the real needs of those around us. We serve our church and civic communities through the gifts of the Holy Spirit to project peace and justice to the world. We are committed to bring the gospel truth to all people through worship, word, evangelization, and stewardship.
- To invite all parishioners into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and one another
- To form responsible lay participation in the parish by encouraging all members to share their gifts.
- To identify our gifts and use these to address our spiritual and temporal needs.
- Grades Pre-school – 10 Faith Formation
- September through May/Sunday ~ 10:15am – 11:15am
- Grades 11-12 by schedule
- Sacramental Preparation:
- First Reconciliation
- First Communion
- Confirmation
- Vacation Bible School ~ Monday – Thursday during the last week of June
Julia Harrison, M.A.A.T., Pastoral Associate
Focus: Youth and Service Activities
Youth activities and service work are scheduled throughout the year by the youth ministry. They are advertised in the bulletin and by communication at the meetings.
Wendi Aiello
To continue the ministry of Jesus by proclaiming the Gospel in an academic/university campus environment. To enable Catholic students/teachers to continue to grow in their faith and relationship with God by providing opportunities to nurture that faith through liturgies, catechesis, faith sharing, and Catholic community activities. Ministers who sense a call to serve young adults. The Concord Catholic Newman Center is located in Athens, WV near Concord University. The Campus Minister is TBD.
Assists the priest in overseeing the operation of the parish. Develops a visionary plan for the future spirituality of the parish, by addressing what can be done to improve the spiritual and physical needs of our parishioners. This is a serious commitment to help Sacred Heart grow physically and spiritually. Decisions are reached by consensus. The council meets monthly and members often solicit input from parishioners and the various committees in the parish. This is a 3 year commitment.
Bob Buzzo, Chairperson
Anthony Peretti, Vice Chairperson
Courtney Longworth, Secretary
Other Members: Very Rev. Fr. Sebastian Devasya, V.F., Wendi Aiello, Theresa Bales, Bob Buzzo, Ron Ciccolini, Steven Copolo, Terry Lampert, Mary Ann Lijoi, Courtney Longworth, Mary Malamisura, Anthony Peretti Ex-officio ~ Julia Harrison, M.A.A.T. Pastoral Associate.
- Parish Mission
- Scripture Study
- Book Study
Julia Harrison, M.A.A.T.
Terry & Claire Lampert
Barbara Musolin
Julia Harrison, M.A.A.T.
This council meets quarterly to review the financial status of the parish. It also supports and advises the Pastor in making financial decisions regarding the needs of the parish. Active Catholics with financial or business backgrounds are invited. The commitment is for 1-2 years.
Michael Romeo ~ Chairperson Ann Robinson ~ Vice-Chairperson
304-922-0597 304-887-2421
Other Members: Very Rev. Fr. Sebastian Devasya V.F., George Aiello, Randy Albert, Claude Morgan, Anthony Ramella, Gary Rumberg, and Pat Valeyko. Ex Officio: Kim Hickman, Bookkeeper.
Liturgy Committee and Liturgical Ministries
Examples: Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Confirmation. It is required that you attend the meetings and help prepare the church building for the various liturgical seasons.
Julia Harrison, M.A.A.T.
Extraordinary ministers assist the celebrant with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. Volunteers must be practicing, confirmed Catholics. One initial thirty minute training with periodic refresher training is required. There is a rotating schedule of ministers who serve at Mass once or twice a month during the Mass they regularly attend. This ministry of serving our Lord Jesus Christ should be approached with great dignity. It is an honor to be present to serve in this capacity and particularly essential to find a sub if unable to be present when scheduled or call the parish office. Appropriate dress is required.
- Contact: Cynthia Stacy ~ 304-952-3534
- Parish Office ~ 304-327-5623
Extraordinary ministers assist in taking communion to those that cannot attend liturgy. They bring the Blessed Sacrament, the love and prayers of the community, the love of Christ, and the Gospel message to those in hospitals, nursing homes, or those who are confined to their homes. Members possess a sincere and compassionate heart to make those needing health care feel connected and an important part of the body of Christ of Sacred Heart. Volunteers are trained and will be given a pix and prayer book to help in their ministry. The time requirement is 15-30 minutes per visit.
Donna Kelly
The ministry of the Lector proclaims the Word of God to the assembly through the readings and the responsorial psalm (if it is not sung). The Lector reads the First Reading, Second Reading, General Intercessions, and Anouncements. Lectors assist at all Masses (weekends, weekdays, and Holydays).The schedule is made by the church secretary. Readers indicate availability for which weekend Mass or Holydays they can serve. A 30 minute training session is needed. Appropriate dress is required. Lectors receive the schedule for a 1 – 2 month period. Lectors must be practicing Catholics. Teens who are at least the age of 16 and have been Confirmed may also serve as Lectors at Mass.
Julia Harrison, M.A.A.T. Pastoral Associate
Ministers help to assist the priest at the altar during liturgies. It is necessary to have received the sacrament of the Eucharist, “First Communion” and have a maturity that corresponds to their age and be teachable. Adults who are practicing Catholics (attending Mass on a regular basis) may also train to be altar servers. One hour training needed with refresher training is necessary. This is a year round ministry. The schedule is rotational.
Mary Malamisura
The Sacristan is an active confirmed Catholic that serves under the direction of the priest. They arrive early for Mass and see to it that various liturgical items are set up for the Mass including books, candles, purificators, corporals, chalices, hand towels, etc. The Sacristan would also make sure all ministers are present that are scheduled to serve for the liturgy. Requirements are having a knowledge and experience with liturgical rites in the Catholic Church.
Mary Malamisura
Ministers warmly greet all parishioners and visitors before liturgies, give directions for seating, and make all feel comfortable. The ministers fill needs such as having visitors sign the guest book, give worship aids, programs, and bulletins to all. Ministers help keep decorum in the Church. They sometimes will also be called upon to take up the collection and guide communion lines. Ministers must portray a pleasant personality and have some knowledge of the physical plant, security system, and attend liturgies on a regular basis. There is a one hour video training workshop. The scheduling is done on a rotation basis by the church secretary.
Ron Ciccolini
If individuals or families would be interested in bringing up the gifts at the Offertory, please let the hospitality minister know before Mass. The family of whoever the Mass is being celebrated for, is usually asked first. If they are not available someone else will be approached prior to Mass starting.
Ron Ciccolini for 9am Mass
Ida or Babette Pascasio for 6pm Mass
Provide music for Saturday and Sunday liturgies, wakes, funerals and weddings. An ability to read music is helpful but not required. If playing an instrument, an ability to perform easy to moderately difficult scores is helpful. Ministers are needed at all liturgies and are scheduled on a rotating basis. It involves about 1-2 hours of rehearsal time per week. Training sessions for cantors can be provided.
George Bowling
Provides a blended repertoire of music consisting of traditional hymns and songs as well as contemporary Christian music for liturgies, worship services, and concerts. Those who have good musical skills, ability to sing or play an instrument or both are welcome. Must be willing to rehearse and arrive early for Mass.
Contact: This Ministry is currently open, if you are interested in assuming a leadership role for the Contemporary Music Ministry, please call Julia at the parish office.
Four Octave hand bell choir. Ages 4th grade to Adult. Ministers must be willing to rehearse weekly and attend performances. Rehearsals would be scheduled. An ability to read music is not required. Training is provided.
Contact: This ministry is currently open. If you are interested in assuming a leadership role for the Hand Bell Choir, please call Julia at the parish office.
By appointment. Pre-baptismal instructions for parents are required.
Contact: Julia Harrison, M.A.A.T. ~ Pastoral Associate
Church Office
Must be arranged for regular appointments 6 months in advance from desired date.
A preparation schedule will be set up.
Church Office
Outreach Ministries
International Catholic men’s fraternal organization that is over 125 years old. Members serve the Church, community, and country supported by a strong national council and state councils. Men ages 18 and up who are in good standing with the Church are invited to join. Church teachings are exemplified by service to others. Service provided on need basis; some fundraising required. Meetings are on the second and fourth Mondays of the month lasting about one hour each.
Steve Copolo, Grand Knight
Ron Ciccolini, Financial Secretary
The purpose of this society is to take care of the altar and sanctuary. The money raised is given back to the Church for liturgical items or used for the needs of the parishioners. Leadership, patience, and understanding as well as an ability to delegate are helpful qualities. Meetings are the second Wednesday of each month. The length of commitment is two years. All women of the church are considered members and welcome to attend any of the meetings. Minutes from meetings are read at the following meeting.
Angie Genovesi, President
Barbara Lynch, Vice President
Angie Genovesi, Secretary
Angie Genovesi, Treasurer
Nancy Pruett, Treasurer
When a member of the Church has a death in the family, this committee provides a meal in the lounge following the funeral service. If the family declines the dinner, they send food to the home of the family of the deceased if they live locally and are an active member. Dishes are prepared by the volunteers at their home and delivered to the church lounge for the bereavement dinner. You may be called to prepare food or help set up, serve, and clean up at the dinner.
Linda Mariotti
Provides food to low-income residents living in Mercer County, WV and Tazewell County, VA. Ministers need a willingness to serve those less fortunate, a kind and compassionate spirit, ability to work well with others and follow directions. It is necessary to maintain client confidentiality. The Pantry is open on Wednesdays from 10:00am – 2:00pm. There may be adjustments to the time during Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays and in the winter months of January and February. Help is needed for placing food on the shelves and unloading food shipments. On-site training will be provided.
Ron Ciccolini
Barbara Musolin
Social Ministries
The Family Life Committee plans events that bring our church family together such as our picnics, covered dish dinners, receptions, etc. They plan functions/educational programs pertaining to the family. Ministers make a commitment to serve. Minimum skills required ~ we decorate, set up, and clean up for functions and/or call parishioners for help with dishes served. Any social events held at Sacred Heart, all parishioners are invited to participate. There are meetings held quarterly and are usually on the first Sunday of the month. The committee can use many helping hands and fresh ideas.
Ron Ciccolini
A LitNic is a LITurgy-picNIC. An interested parishioner signs up to host a LitNic and Catholics in their neighborhood are invited. The priest will preside at Mass at the host home and those who attend bring a food item to share at the meal that follows. The host only needs to provide drinks, paper products, and cutlery. Although intended to bring Catholics in a neighborhood together, LitNics are open to all parishioners. They are scheduled during the months of June, July, and August.
Ann Robinson ~ 304-887-2421 ~
Theresa Bales ~ 304-920-8104 ~
Annual weekend retreat held in March at Pipestem State Park. Christians can come together to experience, grow, and share their Catholic faith with one other. In an openness to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the ministry seeks out active Catholics to be group facilitators, teachers, and other various ministers needed throughout the retreat. Different priests are asked to help with liturgies and confession that are made available. Team meetings are held during the months of November, December, January, and February.
Ann Robinson
This social group plans events or adventures that take parishioners outside of the church setting. The leadership plans a trip, will usually purchase a number of group tickets, and then advertise in the bulletin for parishioners to sign up and participate. Some examples of the trips are Wohlfart Haus in Wytheville, VA or Barter Theatre in Abingdon, VA. The trips usually include seeing the show and dinner or lunch and the group meets on the church parking lot and carpools.
Contact: This ministry is currently open. If you are interested in assuming a leadership role, please call Julia at the parish office.
Prayer Ministries
Prayer is offered for those being admitted to the hospital, having surgery, or for other needs. The secretary will also add them to the prayer list in the bulletin if requested.
Julia Harrison ~ Pastoral Associate, M.A.A.T.
Joan Monaco
Lucy Brinegar ~ Parish Secretary
Donna Kelly ~ 304-922-1066
Annette Morgan ~ 304-320-3625
A method of silent prayer (meditation) that prepares participants to experience God’s presence within them. The group meets on Sunday evenings from 5:00pm – 6:00pm in the Day Chapel. There is a time for individuals to share resources and instructions to foster individual practice.
Mary Malamisura
Recited before the 9:00am Mass on Sunday and the 6:00pm Mass on Saturday. Volunteers are needed to lead the rosary.
Mary Malamisura
Threads of Love are a group of interested participants who prepare shawls or quilts for the sick and homebound or hospitalized. These shawls or quilts are blessed by the priest or deacon and are given out as we pray for God’s peace, healing, and blessings to be bestowed upon those that receive them. Knowledge of quilting or sewing is helpful but not required. The ministers meet one hour twice a month to work on the shawls and quilts (and also work on them at home), and schedule the visits. The group maintains a list of those they have ministered to and mails them an Easter and Christmas card each year. Volunteers are also needed to help with the cards.
Annette Morgan
Administrative Ministries
Count Saturday and Sunday Mass Collections, prepare deposit slip, and drop off to night deposit at bank. Ministers need to have the ability to add/subtract and count money. They are needed on Sunday after the 9:00am Mass or can count on Monday morning if they choose. Discretion of information is essential. There are teams with alternating schedules. It takes about 1 to 1 ½ hours once every month.
Ron Ciccolini
Kim Hickman
Oversees the upkeep of the physical properties. Make periodic walk-throughs to prioritize maintenance and projected repairs and replacements. Work with finance council to budget funds for upkeep. Ministers need some skills and knowledge about parish operations and maintenance. The committee helps to seek estimates to accomplish work needed. There are quarterly meetings and some follow-up. The length of commitment is 1-3 years.
Contact: Ron Ciccolini 304-320-0268
The Catholic Sharing Appeal (CSA) supports the work of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston. Money raised is broken down as follows:
Parish Share 50%, Diocesan Ministries 17%, Catholic Education 13%,
Catholic Charities, WV 13%, and Catholic Sharing Appeal Costs 7%.
The Appeal begins every year around April, with a theme, and continues throughout the year. Sacred Heart is assessed a certain amount that we are encouraged to raise. In previous years, we have gone past our goal. After we raise 50% our goal assessment, the remainder comes back to the parish. Volunteers help by getting the word out to the parish and encourage participation by talks at the end of Mass on a particular weekend.
Kim Hickman